Karate Kid ~ Meet my nephew (Edward)

For my nephew,Edward this day was a special one!
Edward works hard at JUDO.He is beginner so he had the exam for white belt today! I'm so proud of him! He was so happy!
So let's see some pix + video ^O^


1st pic.So excited!

Smile my champion! :)

your turn will come just wait~

After the "party" he asked me : -It was ok,right?-.Yup,it was OK!
Edy & my dad. Daddy is also proud of him!

Diploma : Belt : White | Grade : 6 KYU


Edy,in future I want to see you with the BLACK belt! Fightoo~


Now I'm going to talk about my day :)
I went in mall with a friend.And of course everytime I go to mall I have to buy something!
It's ok I'm a girl,right? :))

Like always I went to Flormar to see what's new.I bought this lovely pink - red nail polish (rose)


 After I saw this super-cute t-shirt at Cactus Clone.The name of collection is "Lovely".And yes this is really lovely!


Then I saw this gorgeous ring at mÕa


*My nails:

Cute? ^^

Also it was a special day for one of my friends : HAPPY B-DAY,CRISTI! Chuu~