Thanks to all my Teachers

Last month 29 December, 2011 I celebrated my birthday, a completion of 50 years of my life on this planet, it’s been quite a long journey in my life, and when I turn back I can’t believe the years have just passed so quickly. The journey has been a combination of joy as well as pain, I had equal share of both, and the best part is,  I  have learnt that joy and sorrow are inseparable and one side of the same coin.

I am so happy and privileged to have surrounded myself with such lovely people in my life, to have made my journey very special and enjoyable one.  I spent the day learning the art of meditation, surrounded by meditators around me, and celebrating myself, and one of the beautiful aspects of this meditation was to bow down in gratitude for all the teachers of our life.

So my memory was full, beginning with my parents who taught me to have faith in God, and who were living examples of generosity and hospitality.

There were school teachers, who not only taught their lessons, but in small ways appreciated me and helped me find my talents,

I am privileged to come across teachers in college, who not only imparted knowledge but also provided opportunity to learn by self

The catechism teachers of my life instilled Christian values, shared their experience of faith and motivated me to read the bible and imbibe the qualities of Jesus.

There were also some very special friends, who taught me not only to love and accept myself, but were always there for me to turn to – I consider the luckiest person to have such beautiful friends from varied background, and I had the privilege to learn so much from them.

My thanks goes to some of my friends, who taught me to handle finances, they showed me the path towards financial health, also helped me understand the importance of being financially independent and healthy.

I also recall some very committed priests, from whom I learnt to read the scriptures and reflect on the words, interpret in the context, some of them enlightened me, and helped me to take the journey inward, to look within and find my true self.

My gratitude is also for the Gurus who introduced me to practice vipassana meditation, and generously taught me to focus on my breath, which is the present reality, to stay equanamoius and always strike a balance, for nothing is permanent.  

I am now thankful for Sri sri Ravi shankerji and their teachers for teaching me the sudharshan kriya, leading me towards healthy life style and balanced living
For all the Gurus in my life – I bow down with gratitude” because I AM WHAT I AM BECAUSE OF ALL THESE LOVELY PERSONS IN MY LIFE.
