I started swimming to fight my depression, as the loss of my son was too much to handle, and I took on to swimming, as it was convenient for me, I loved the waters, and when I found the opportunity at my workplace, I just grabbed the opportunity and started swimming regularly.

One fine day the coach at the swimming pool suggested that I participate in the 8thMasters Inter District Aquatic championship – 2011 for Men & Women conducted by Andhra Pradesh Amateur Aquatic Association. I was motivated enough to say yes! and I won four gold medals for participating in four different events in swimming.
I was not really sure, whether I would be able to make it – fortunately with the very encouraging swimming coach in my life, I found myself among men and women from the age group of 25years to 80 years old, which was an inspiring sight that made me feel, I am not the only one in my age group.
It was worth the effort, and a great feeling, I loved the whole experience of swimming and practicing for this event, there is kind of thrill that one experiences in moments like these, the most beautiful aspect was to see my husband and daughter affirming me while I was swimming for various events.
It is a blessing to have your loved ones with you, supporting and encouraging you. I am indeed blessed to have this experience, which is so positive and has definitely energized me, I am feeling much younger, and extremely active, and my self confidence has doubled, after participating in this event. Above all my depression got washed away in the waters renewing my life and refreshing with joy.
When I went to take the medals & the certificates, I had tears of gratitude, and I cried with joy for I owed all of these to my husband David and my children Maria Dorothy & Mario Emmanuel. For without their support I would not have been able to make it ! Thank You Emmanuel ! I know you are clapping from above for your mom, and thanks David and Dorothy for standing and cheering for me, I love you ! my lovely friends for being there always !
“There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy” – Ralph H Blum