Being early enough – I went for a long walk in the garden with so many thoughts about my son, and in the process, I started saying the rosary, I remembered my parents, for they always prayed, and they had very strong faith in God – I recalled my mom & dad when they lost my 26 year old sister, they wept bitterly, but never gave up praying, and continued with family prayers, and persistently went to church, read the bible, and shared their faith with those around them.
This one thought was enough to empower me today, so I chose to dwell on the faith of my parents, and remembered emmaneul who was joy to me. I continued to work at my office, with his smiling face in my mind, I smiled ........
The scripture verse that came to my mind was Rom.8:28 that says, All things work together for good, for those who believe in God. I am thankful for these thoughts, and for this new day. Here is an opportunity to make a difference in the place of work – and I choose to be different and thankful not only for the gift of my son – Emmanuel, which means God with us! but also for the opportunity to serve !
Praying for a meaningful Christmas!
“It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.” Robert H. Schuller