Good Bye & Thank You 2011 !

The year 2011 turned my world upside down, with the loss of my son Emmanuel who was so much part of my life for the last seven years.  I began the year with great sorrow, confusion and was emotionally shattered. 

But one thing does not change in me, my faith in God, and constant love and support of persons who surrounded my life was enough for me to be motivated to explore ways to cope with my grief and keep moving expecting the best.

Today it’s the last day of the year, and soon I shall be entering 2012, and things are not the same, and I look back with deep sense of gratitude for some of very interesting and beautiful moments of my life. 

 I am glad today:

  • For the work I do, that provides me opportunity to listen to the pain of others. Thus constantly reminding me to understand that I am not alone in this world, and joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin.
  • To learn to swim in the waters, once again in my life, after a gap of 25 years, I fell in love with the waters, and swimming everyday in deep waters kept me  energetic, active and alert, and also motivated me to participate in the Master’ swimming competition.

  • To have initiated a family prayer that made the family come closer to each other, and share our faith.

  • To go out for a short trip to Bangalore, where we spent time together as a family, a much needed break, and for the first time without our son Emmanuel. Being with Maria Dorothy our daughter, I learnt to look through her eyes and enjoy the sense of wonder within me.
  • For the opportunity to travel and all by myself, to learn, share and meet different people working in the area of substance abuse and alcohol, a subject which I have not explored much, I am happy for the knowledge and understanding in this area.

  • To learn the art of living, in a new way by enrolling myself in a meditation course for a week, and spend some time only with myself, asking some very important questions.
  • I could celebrate myself on 29 December, despite the pain I carried in my heart, I am overwhelmed for calls I received from my friends, for love, songs  and prayers from those who were close to me, appreciation from elders at my work place, and  kindness from my colleagues,

This is enough for me to look forward for 2012 with courage and hope, as the saying goes “I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday, and I love today”

Happy New Year 2012!

Be Happy & Be Blessed!