This is an old story, I had read a few years ago, and was very moved by this episode, today while I was busy searching for a file, I suddenly found this story again, and I am happy to post, as it reminds me, that every sad event, provides us insight to move into something more beautiful and profound.
Women dropped a beautiful oranges vase on the kitchen floor; it splintered into dozens of tiny pieces. She swept the pieces up and threw them into the waste basket.
An hour later, she discovered her little daughter had retrieved the pieces from the waste basket and had pasted them on a piece of white cardboard. Then, using a green crayon, the little girl had drawn stems and leaves on each piece, converting them into a beautiful bouquet of orange flowers.
The woman was moved to tears. Her daughter has seen something in the broken pieces that she had not seen. Where she had seen trash, her daughter had seen treasure. From what she considered to be something ugly, he daughter had fashioned something beautiful.
What an insight – whenever we are rejected, broken and feel a sense of worthlessness, may this small story uplift & inspire us!
Be Blessed & Be Happy!