Usually, this time of year is accompanied by a flurry of words scribbled down in outline form for a new story idea. My tummy is usually full of butterflies of excitement. I can't wait till November 1st, when I can finally start the race of madness. This year though...there are no butterflies. Instead, I'm torn.
I already have so much on my plate, between school and work. Plus, the last two years' worth of NaNo projects are still in revisions. Wouldn't it make more sense to work on those, instead of starting a whole new novel? I mean, isn't that what the logical person would do? But NaNoWriMo is irresistible. I can hear it calling my name. I can hear the jingle of shiny new ideas just waiting to be written.
What IS a girl to do?
What about you? Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Have you done it before? How do you find the time?