Simplifying my life

I had been busy in the last week, as there was a dead line to complete a training programme, with frequent bandhs in our city, and specially in the place of my work which is a very sensitive area to work, I had made a decision to simplify my life in order to feel better, and also take one thing at a time.

I chose to focus only one thing at a time, and accomplish it, and I am glad that despite the scenario which was tense, I could implement a two day programme, and follow up with whatever is required to be done.

These are days, I am unable to work full time, due to Telegana bandhs and frequent power cuts and I know that I cannot control what is happening around me, so I chose to make use of my time, in what matters to me the most:

With schools being closed upto 9th October, I spend time with my daughter; help with whatever she wants to learn for holidays.

I am happy to swim everyday with my daughter, and encourage her to move towards deep water and enjoy swimming.

We as a family have decided to go to the parish church for mass every evening till the holiday time, and until things return to normal in the city.

Every day I take up one area of the house to sort things out, I just sorted my daughter’s cup board and helped her in giving away some of her clothes that no longer fits her.

I am happy to spend a little time reading every day – and today I was reading how to simplify your life if you want to feel better by Carol who inspires to attract abundance into our lives. For more information log on  

I am happy and grateful at the end of the day I am doing what I want to and learning to simplify my life.

“As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler, solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.”  Henry David Thoreau

Be Blessed & Be Happy!