The Angel of my Life

This morning I got a call from my sister Celestine, telling me that Sr Loretta had expired, and also added that last week she was enquiring about me with one of the persons who went to visit her at a home – I was getting ready to go for swimming, and then when I heard this news, I was taken aback, and for a moment I did not know what I was doing, Sr Loreta was my eldest nun sister Sr Bartolommeo’s friend. 

I met her after my sister’s death in St Francis school, Secunderabad, and she was very compassionate and kind and I got easily connected to her as a teenager, from then on she became my friend and who was always there for me at St Francis, somehow  I found that she was taking my sister’s place, while I grieved the loss of my sister.

Sr Loretta was there for me, and she went out of her way to get involved in my life, I was then very young, insecure , lacked confidence, did not believe in myself and had a very poor self concept as I did not do very well in my studies, somehow deep in my heart, I felt I could continue my education, and when Sr Loretta came to know about that she  encouraged me and provided me space in the college and also helped me to continue my education as a private candidate, and was always very affirming, and encouraged me to visit the chapel whenever I felt low, so whenever I was   sad, I used to spend time in the chapel, just sharing my concerns with Jesus.

She was the first person in my life, who taught me to believe in myself, and to trust God at all times, it is because of her, I could continue my graduation and move on in life with better self esteem, self confidence and gradually became dependent on God for everything in my life.

Today she is no more, and I am grateful to her for all that she was to me, I was in touch with her regularly, after the arrival of my son, I found difficult to be in touch – I am feeling the pain in my heart for someone who loved me, and who made a difference in my life has departed. 

I feel sad I could not be in touch, at the same time I am happy that she remembered me in the last part of her journey, which fills my heart with gratitude for being associated with her in my life – I look at her as an Angel sent by God in my life to enable me to become the person I was meant to be – I am glad for such lovely people who make a difference, and I am motivated today to do all that I can, making a difference in whatever way possible.
May her soul rest in peace!

"I still miss those I loved who are no longer with me but I find I am grateful for having loved them. 
The gratitude has finally conquered the loss"  - Rita Mae Brown