Room #111...making her debut!

Welcome to my new room! Despite the hectic move to a bigger classroom, ONE WEEK after school had started, I have finally finished and settled in. You can read that post {here}. Please, explore and look around! :) 
My carpet area...complete with calendar and listening station. 
Block center and student mailboxes. The pink boxes (above my blocks) are salvaged from my reading series and I turned them into student book bins. 
These shelves house puzzles, magnets, and other items for workstations. Above are the students' work station charts. They refer to these while making their transition through stations. This = less talking for ME! Yay!
Here is my little desk area. To the right of my desk is my small group table and a large white board. I'll use this for charting and recording answers during my sets on a shelf that houses all of my guided reading materials!
The BEST part about this room...I have walk in closets!! SQUEAL! The left closet is for student mats and backpacks and the right is for teacher supplies. It even has a sink and mirror. You don't understand, this is a HUGE deal! ha In between the two, is my home living center and above, is the chart for student jobs!
 My library center!
My word wall and student computer station. 
The view from the back of the room. 
And the view from the front...
I LOVE it!  It is soo much bigger than my old room and makes more sense. I feel that it flows and my students have little "nook" areas for all of their stations.  Here is to a new room and a great year. Cheers! ~Miss E