Back to School!

Hello blog world - my apologies for being MIA this past week. As you can see in the pics, I've had a LOT of work to do in my room. This is how I returned from summer break to find my classroom. Things weren't exactly put back in their spots - ha! No worries though, I was more than thrilled to rearrange and get my room ready for a new year. Atleast the floors were waxed and cleaned!! Anyone else love the look of a newly polished floor? So SHINY!

This is my carpet area. We gather here for morning meeting, chit chats, calendar, and any other whole group lessons.
My library. Complete with my $1 garage sale chair. See it? It's the teal "director's chair." I had it cleaned up and monogrammed with my class name. I'm thinking I'll deem it my author's chair and let my students sit in it and read their finished pieces of writing to the class. 
 Computer Station and my management boards above it. 
I purged, organized, and labeled math stuff. Would Debbie Diller be proud or what?  This entire cabinet is now devoted to math stuff. I didn't even realize what I had. It was definitely worth my while to go through everything. I'm looking forward to implementing new math work stations this year, while utilizing more manipulatives. Squeal!!
I plan on doing some reading lessons here this year (verses on my carpet). I'll place my big books on my stand and take advantage of my dazzling new white board! 
 This should be filled with environmental print SOON!
My small group area - complete with my sucker tree. (Idea courtesy of Pinterest aka my new found obsession)
Our classroom pets - Buck and Sharkbait Hoo Ha ha. Funny and TRUE story - I asked our janitor to take care of them over the summer for me. Apparently I didn't leave enough food so he was forced to find alternatives. He fed my goldfish GOLDFISH crackers. Yes...that's right - goldfish crackers. They surprisingly lived and are much fatter! ;-) 
And last but not least, the front of my classroom door. I printed my new students' names on apples and let them fall from the tree. The sign reads, "Miss Eberhart's NEW Crop!"

Well before I leave you, I must share this - I met my little kinders at Open House yesterday and one of them is already referring to me as Miss Sweetheart...guess she cannot pronounce Miss Eberhart. What can be cuter than that? I certainly won't correct her on that one! ;-)Here is to a great year!  Happy back to school! ~Miss E