The World is our Mirror

I found this short story interesting  bringing in  light about who we are, where ever we go, we shall find ourselves, for the world is a mirror reflecting us back.  Read on …..

A traveler nearing a great city asked a wise Man near the way side, “what are the people like in the city? And the wise man replied “How were the people where you came from “?
“A terrible lot, “the traveler responded. “Mean, untrustworthy, detestable in all respects”.   “Ah”, said the wise man, “you will find them the same in the city ahead.”

Scarcely was the first traveler gone when another one stopped and also inquired about the people in the city before him.  Again the wise old Man asked about the people in the place the traveler had left. And the traveler said “They were fine people; honest, industrious, and generous.  I was sorry to leave, “declared the second traveler.

Responded the wise Man: “So you will find them in the city ahead.

Be Blessed !