Stayin' Alive

Oh, I'm such a bad blogger. Not only have I been MIA for a week here, I have been neglecting my visits to all your blogs, too.

But I haven't been in lazy summer mode. Oh, no. I have been one busy bee. School has pretty much swallowed any free time I used to have. Three in-class courses and one online. My head is swimming in new knowledge. My tummy is filled with nerves and anxiety. I went from two classes last semester to four this one. In eight weeks, I have to cram my head with tons of facts and figures. I'm kind of panicking. And by kind of I mean a lot.

There is good news, though. I finished my first draft! Last Tuesday actually. It's a disaster, I know. But it's done. And now I have a ton to work with. I really wanted to jump right into revisions, but...well, I don't have the time. So now it sits on my flash drive till the semester is over.

At least it's something to look forward to, right? (And yes, I'm that crazy. Who looks forward to revisions?)

Alright. Got to go catch the bus and then study Psychology flashcards. Happy Monday, everyone!

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