List Building - By This Time Next Month You Can Have a Profit-Pulling-List

If you are focusing on using email marketing to promote your products and services, here's a way to go. Make sure that you build your own list of targeted subscribers who will trust you and will be ready to listen about your latest offers, tips and tricks.
Lets assume that you end up building a list of 10,000 subscribers in 2008 using the 4 block formula displayed below. You just shoot an offer to your list and sell them a $10 ebook. If you just get 1% of your subscribers to purchase your ebook you will end up making $1000 overnight. This is the power of a profit pulling list.
Here are 4 amazing ways to build and profit from your own list starting today...
Step 1 - Website Content.
Use your website content to build your list. You have to give visitors a reason as to why they should subscribe to your list. You can do this by providing quality content on your website on a regular basis. Once your visitors feel that you are an expert in your niche they will make sure to give you their email address in exchange for the quality information that you will share with them on a regular basis.
Step 2 - Start Your Own Ezine.
If you have your own weekly ezine tell your visitors to provide their name and email address and you will provide them weekly ezine with quality information in your niche.
Give them a gift in the form of free ebook to get them in.
Step 3 - Article Marketing.
The concept is very simple but highly profitable. Write a quality article in your niche. In the resource box include an ad that invites readers to visit your site and subscribe to your list.
Spread your articles to directories and you will soon see traffic rolling into your site.
Step 4 - Forum Posting.
Join discussion forums in your niche. Post answers to questions out there. People will consider you as an expert in your niche. You will be allowed to include an ad below your post. Your ad will drive visitors to your site and make them sign up to your list.
Do you want to learn how I do it? Watch this 'FREE Report' and Discover How I Created a Killer Cash-Pulling-Machine that Attracts 23,883 Visitors and Earns $6665.49 on Autopilot from just 20 Days of Lazy Work...
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Murtuza Abbas has helped hundreds of newbies 'One-On-One' to start their internet home business...
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