“Human Battery Box”: This piece was conceived after...

Charm of the Day: Telephone with Diamond Dial 14k Gold Charm

Father’s day is coming up soon, so why not pick up the phone and give your dad a call? This delicate charm features a diamond dial and adds a sparkle to any outfit :)

(via Josie Black and Cream Lolita Skull Ornate Cameo by PoshAdornments)

scissor {necklace; antique scissors with recycled rhinestones and chains}

Tutanhkamun lapis scarab

Midsummer Dew Vial by Plumevine

“Human Battery Box”: This piece was conceived after a lengthy conversation with my grandfather. We were discussing life and mortality after a family funeral. He sad ” a man just knows when his batteries are running out, and it’s then that the moments in his life are all the more precious.” I remember thinking how odd it was that he used an interchangeable power source like batteries to describe the life force of a a human being. Something we cannot replenish or change. I smiled to myself and thought ” well what if we could just change the batteries?” What if we could just replace the energy of someone that we loved so dearly and have come to rely on for wisdom and guidance? How wonderful would it be to be able to continue our lives uninterrupted by sickness or death? So I made a pendant that gives us a place to check and change those ever so important batteries. The paradox that you encounter with this of course is that if we are effectively immortal and can select the time and circumstances that we let our batteries run out for good. Do you still appreciate the moments that you have?