Arrivederci, Freedom!

Today marks the first day of summer semester for me. I'm currently sitting on a bench in some really gorgeous weather, waiting for the bus to arrive and thinking about the goal I made three weeks ago.

You know the one.

The one in which I said I'd have my book finished by now.

Well, I could lie and say that I did it. That I have under my belt a finished first draft. But that would be wrong. A false victory. Then my first draft would be tainted and I wouldn't be able to share my excitement with you when I actually finished it.

So, no. I won't be lying about that.

I will say, though, that I'm only 1-2 scenes away from finishing. I thought I'd be able to wrap it up by Chapter 21 but I'm currently on Chapter 22. Which SHOULD be the last chapter.

So...I didn't make my goal. But I got awful damn close. And that should count for something...right?

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