Teacher Appreciation Week!

This post is a little late as well...but I had to share. Check out what my students made me...and best of all, they kept it a surprise! (Anyone who teaches younger grades knows how difficult this task can be) I about died when my art teacher walked in carrying this blanket. Apparently one of my parents sent in a plain blanket and paints to our school's art teacher, asking her to stamp each child's hand print and write their name. I'm pretty sure my facial expression says it all.  I was totally surprised and thrilled with the gift! :)  I love my kiddos. 
I had to give everyone hugs.  
And here is the blanket with *most* of my class - not all of them made it in the photo.  OOPS!  So thankful for the sweet gift and the thought that went in behind it.  I will certainly treasure this gift for years to come.  To all of my parents reading - thank you for sharing your child with me.  Your child has touched me beyond words and I'm certain they will do great things in the future.  I hope all of my teacher friends had a great Teacher Appreciation Week!
Love, Miss E