Progress is Progress

So Blogger hasn't been very nice lately. I haven't been able to sign in or comment on people's blogs for days and it's kind of irritating. I've had visions of machine guns and machetes dancing through my head...and I don't write thrillers!

I've got to head to work soon, but I wanted to post an update on my quest to finish my novel before Summer Semester. Here are the stats:

Added: about eight thousand words
Deleted: about six thousand words
Rewritten: about five thousand words

I'm at around 76k right now, which isn't too shabby. I think I've just got about two chapters to write and I'm finished. Unless my characters go off on a tangent again and decide that I, as their creator, have no idea what I'm doing. It's been happening a lot lately. You'd think that these people would just listen to me, seeing how I gave them life and all. But nope. My MC has a mind of her own. Which, I suppose, is a good thing. It's what I wanted for her. She's a handful -- in the story and out.

With each word I write, I get more excited. I can't wait to type "The End" Of course, I won't have time for revisions before I submit my WiP for my proof copy. But it's just a trophy for me, anyway. A great motivation.

I just may make my deadline, after all. As long as I don't delete anymore words, anyway...

So, how are you all doing? Have you had thoughts of Blogger-cide, too? And WHAT the hell is wrong with it, anyway?

Have a great weekend, all!