P is for Procrastination

I like to say that the Internet is a writer's best friend and worst enemy all rolled into one. On one hand, there's an endless supply of information and networking opportunities galore. On the other hand, there are things like Facebook and Twitter and a zillion different games to suck you in.

I am the first to admit that I don't get nearly as much writing done as I used to. The Internet is always there, taunting, teasing and torturing me until I open Firefox and take a peek. Just five minutes, I always say. Just five minutes and I'll get back to work. Well, five minutes turns into ten and the next thing I know, three hours have passed. And then my writing time is gone and I've managed a whopping hundred words.

The Internet is the biggest source of procrastination for me. When the words aren't flowing or I just don't feel like writing, it's where I turn. There are a million and one things to do and I'm pretty sure I do all of them before I try to get back to writing.

What about you? How do you procrastinate?