I'm flailing in the somewhat shallow waters of my wordcount at the moment, as you can no doubt see on the handy dandy widget to the right. I've made the mistake repeatedly of trying to write at night. I am no longer a night person. I used to be, but then my work shifts changed and now I'm up and functioning no later than 7am. So by the time 11pm rolls around, I'm ready to crash. I was up the other night till 2am trying to write. Kept falling asleep as I was typing. Started typing things that made no sense. Oh, it wasn't nearly as bad as last year, when I typed something about my main character drinking "two sips of vodka" -- while she was pregnant. But I'm sure it does no good for my writing to type half-asleep.
So, I'm up early this morning to try and catch up on my words. Wish me luck!
Real quick, here's Monday's Mixtape:
Tierney's love for hair bands + a disastrous and dysfunctional love life = Def Leppard's Love Bites:
This song is so heartbreaking and captures a low point in Tierney's story perfectly:
And last up, the incredible Rachel Williams with a song I'm sure everyone can relate to (plus, she bears an uncanny resemblance to what I picture Tierney to look like):
Okay, I've gotta get busy writing. Happy Monday, everyone!