Emmanuel my son has brought a renewal in my life. I say this because I had forgotten to sing and dance in my life. I used to be a very independent for too long and enjoying plenty of freedom, I enjoyed singing, and action songs, games and energizers, and also walking, meditating, and reading inspiring books. However, after marriage and the arrival of my daughter, things changed drastically for me,
I had to learn to cope with lot of things in my life, and succeeded well in bringing in a balance to my life, of continuing my work, and also bringing up my kids in a joint family set up. Over a period of time, with life getting tough - needed to manage career, family life, and kids - I found no time for singing, listening to music and reading and I required time to enjoy the company of myself and do all those things I loved.
I'm trying hard to raise up my kids, especially my son, who has frequent respiratory infections, cold, cough and delayed speech. Amidst all this, he is a happy child, very much inclined to music and dance.
In order to respond to him, I've started singing and dancing again, and continue to do so as he enjoys and learns all the life skills with music and dance. Even if I have to brush his teeth, I sing, and while he wants to eat, play, learn, rest, everything is done by a song, dance and music. Singing, dancing and listening to music all the time, makes a lot of difference, and also keeps me happy and optimistic.
Now, music and dance has become a way of life in our family, and I owe it all to my son who brought in so much of positive energy, which energizes me and lifts me up with joy leading me to rejoice in small things and fills me with gratitude.
Be Happy!