I began to look for opportunity to walk early mornings – feel the cool breeze, look around to see the lovely trees around me, admire the flowers, touch the grass and watch the sun rise and experience the joy of being by myself.
When I look back, I am so happy for all those moments I have walked, as the years grew by, I started enjoying the walk, and walking has now become a hobby – it’s the time I am with myself, a time for me to understand myself, explore who am I in a deeper way, and I recall Bob the founder of Care Foundation for Children and Ageing – who walks for the cause of children, he says, if every step I take is going to make a difference to a child, then I will surely walk.
He continues to say that when he walks, he shares with the farmer who rises up in the early hours to work in the field, he associates with the women who walk to find water in some remotest parts of our country, and most importantly his walk makes a difference to millions of children who are sponsored for education.
Today when I walk, I know that I am part of all those people who walk for a cause, not only my walk becomes meaningful, but it has also benefited me in so many ways, I have started losing weight, my stress level has come down, I feel healthier, happier and grateful to live a Life of Gratitude.
May You Be Happy!