I suppose it fits, though. My mood is foul. I have to work today. Three to close, which is 1am, or whenever we wrap up the cleaning duties. I loathe ten hour days, but they allow me to get my hours in and have that lovely third day off, so who am I to complain?
Anyway, I was cheered up when I found out that Julie over at Silver Lining gave me an award today.

In the time-honored tradition of blog awards, I will pass it on to a few of the loverly ladies in the blogging world:
1. Roni at Fiction Groupie -- Who, by the way, also passed on an award to her fellow writer/bloggers

2. E. Elle at The Writer's Funhouse
3. Alexandra at The Publication Follies of Alexandra Shostak
4. Frankie at Frankie Writes
5. OfficeGirl at Tired But Writing...
I have to leave for work in less than an hour and, considering I got zero words written over the weekend, I better make the most of my time! Hope everyone has a great Monday!