Who Makes a Garden Douglas Malloch (1877-1938)

I was searching for poems to help my daughter, and I found this so good and inspiring, I read it and re read it again and interpreted it to my life.

Whoever makes a garden. Has never worked alone;
the rain has always found it, The sun has always known;
The wind has blown across it. And helped to scatter seeds;
Whoever makes a garden. Has all the help he needs.

Whoever makes a garden. Should surely not complain,
With someone like the sunshine.And someone like the rain
And someone like the breezes.To aid him in his toil
And someone like the Father. Who gave the garden soil.

Whoever makes a garden. Has, oh, so many friends;
The glory of the morning. The dew when daylight ends.
For rain and wind and sunshine. And dew and fertile sod;
And he who makes a garden. Works hand and hand with God
So true, in the garden of life, none of us go alone, we are always helped in some way or the other, as I go through this terrible phase,  I experience the rain,  as my friends comfort me, encourage me, inspire and offer help.

Then as a rays of the sun I can see how every person who has been part of Emmanuel’s life has touched my life too, the pediatrician who was very fond of my son, the doctors at both the hospitals who were cooperative and helpful in understanding us and giving us the permission to be with our child in the last part of his journey, and who constantly updated us, and prepared us to face the challenge, our neighbors who loved Emmanuel, and their homes were always opened for him.

Most important of all are our families who were the major source of strength, they stood by us and did everything possible to enable us to accept and pray with us,  I am being gentle and kind with myself, nothing  to complain but to look at the sunny side of life, experience the shower of rain while I meet lovely people who are out there to help me, feel the breeze and believe that I am not alone, I work hand and hand with God creating something beautiful and meaningful.

Be Happy !