Stylin' and Profilin'

Thank you to my new friend and accessory swap partner, Melissa, at F is for First Grade for sending me this award!  Squeal......I was so excited! :)

These are the rules for receiving this award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 5 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
So here are 7 things about me:
1. I was Miss Historic Jonesborough 2007 and went to Jackson, TN to compete for the title of Miss Tennessee 2008.  IF I would have won, I would have gone on to Las Vegas to compete for the title of Miss America.  I have been competing in pageants since the age of 15 and have loved it ever since.  I fully support what the Miss America system promotes, as well as other systems, and contribute a lot of my public speaking and interview skills to my pageantry experience.  Through my platform and title, I was able to log over 500 volunteer hours promoting literacy awareness and met a TON of interesting people!  

2. I have a huge heart for missions and would LOVE to speak Spanish fluently.  (I'm working on it!)  I'm returning to Honduras in June and am so excited about spending time with these amazing children. :)  I could seriously take a few home! 

3. I would have an IV drip of sweet tea and diet coke if people wouldn't think I was crazy!  They are my drinks of choice and I will have one or the other in my hand at ALL TIMES!

4. I own and run my own home based business called, Everything Erin & More.  I specialize in printing, personalizing, monogramming, and more.  :)  When I'm not teaching, in graduate school, working on yearbook, or TRYING to have a social life....I am working on orders for customers! ha I also have a little knack for painting, and I personalize gift items at a little store in town called The Gift Box.  I usually run by there a few days a week. 

5. I have a wonderful family and could NOT ask for a better support group.  My sister and I are 12 months and 12 days apart and despite all the fights and arguments we had while growing Mother was RIGHT.  She always told us, "You wait, one day you all will grow up and be best friends!"  And....we are.  My family is great and I love them very much. 

6. I've been clogging since I was 6 and STILL dance with The Trailblazer Cloggers.  We do about 30 local shows a summer.  I hope (in my spare time) to one day open and run my own studio.  My sister and I have competed in several duos and have even clogged on a cruise ship. 

7. I am beyond blessed and canNOT imagine doing anything else with my life.

I've selected the following blogs to receive this award: (seems like it has already gotten around to everyone in the teaching world)  
My sister at Emily Eats Clean
I'll be searching more and adding to my list later! ;-) I just LOVE blogs and am seriously obsessed with all the wonderful ideas.  Thank you for thinking MY little ole blog is worthy of this sweet award.